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Mini Pineapple Rainbow Twists are delicious, slightly sour, licorices, with a pi...
These strawberry tarts are soft and chewy and bursting with that refreshing tast...
Oreo Cakesters are a delicious, soft version of good old Oreo cookies. These cak...
Pocky Strawberry Cream are delicious cookie sticks coated in strawberry cream....
Jumbo Strawberry Filled Licorices are delicious strawberry licorices, filled wit...
Jumbo Sour Strawberry Filled Licorices are delicious strawberry licorices, stuff...
These orange cream top are soft and chewy gummies with a delicious orange and cr...
Twist Fish are soft fish-shaped gummies, with various fruity and creamy flavors....
These jumbo blue raspberry creme licorices are long and large blue raspeberry fl...
Rainbow Cream Licorices are thin multi-colored licorices with a fruity flavor an...
Sour Multicolored Sticks are pieces of fruity licorice, with a center filled of ...
Strawberry Blowpipes are pieces of strawberry licorice, with a center filled of ...